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Capital Airport International Hotel Beijing, 조양 구 수도 공항 화물 운송 로 2 호 종합 빌딩, T1 터미널 빌딩 서쪽 200 미터 지점 에 위치 해 있다.
그것 은 환경 이 우아 하고 부대 시설 이 완비 되 어 있다.호텔 은 백 여 개의 객실 을 세 심하게 설 계 했 고 방 안에 에어컨, 국내 국제 장거리, 24 시간 온수, 24 시간 인터넷 등 부대 시설 이 완비 되 었 다.
호텔 은 로비, 상품 부, 비 즈 니스 센터, 회의실, 헬 스 클럽 등 을 동시에 설치 하여 귀하 의 여행 과 비 즈 니스 여행 에 편리 하고 편안 함 을 가 져 다 드 립 니 다.
[자세한 소개]
호텔 FAQ
  • 이 호텔은 Capital Airport Beijing 에서 얼마나 떨어져 있습니까?

    공항에서 Capital Airport International Hotel Beijing 561m.

  • Capital Airport International Hotel Beijing 은(는) 공항 셔틀을 운행합니까?

    예, 예약 후 연락 주시기 바랍니다.

  • Capital Airport International Hotel Beijing 의 체크인 & 체크아웃 시간은 어떻게 되나요?

    체크인 시간은 10:00이후, 체크아웃 시간은 12:00이전.

  • Capital Airport International Hotel Beijing 에 수영장과 체육관 있나요?

    호텔에는 체육관이 있지만 수영장은 없습니다. 수영장 및 다른 시설에 대한 상세 내용은 이 페이지에서 확인하시기 바랍니다.

  • Capital Airport International Hotel Beijing 내에 레스토랑이 있나요?

    네, 호텔에서 먹을 수 있습니다.

  • Capital Airport International Hotel Beijing 광대역 또는 Wi-Fi가 있습니까?

    예, 자세한 내용은 호텔 프런트 데스크에 문의하십시오.

  • Capital Airport International Hotel Beijing 선불로 결제 하시겠습니까?

    저희에게 연락하기 전에 주문을 제출하십시오.

  • Capital Airport International Hotel Beijing 신용카드로 결제하실 수 있으며?

    아니요, 호텔은받지 않습니다.

  • Capital Airport International Hotel Beijing 의 아침 식사는 얼마입니까?

    식사 CNY30 / 사람.

  • Capital Airport International Hotel Beijing 의 숙박 요금은 얼마인가요?

    집값에서 CNY580 위안이, 숙박 날짜나 호텔 정책 등에 따라 숙박 요금이 달라질 수 있습니다.

고객 후기 더
  • jolinjo
    In general hotels, the boiler is under maintenance when you go. In addition, it is close to the airport. The sound is super. The hotel has superior geographical location and is close to the subway entrance. The transportation is very convenient. The surrounding areas are convenient for eating and shopping. Hotel accommodation can be parked free of charge
  • iflying8
    not so bad!
  • Jerry0612
    The hotel has superior geographical location, close to the subway entrance, and the transportation is very convenient. It's convenient to eat and shop around. The hotel has advanced facilities, clean rooms, new equipment and friendly service. Hotel accommodation can be free parking, security is very responsible. Worth staying!
  • teblis1030
    This price is OK
  • fsdafdsfds
    Very general,
  • yabaoer
    very good
  • jdxxjd
    Very good
  • dfafds
    It is very close to the terminal, only 5 to 10 minutes' walk, and there is a shuttle bus. But there was no hot water on the day we went, and the waiter changed the floor for us. The attitude was very good and the hygiene was very clean. Worthy of recommendation
  • lilyjane
    not bad
  • eileendancer
    The second time I lived, it was really close, the others were general, that is, I sent T3 to park in the parking lot and walked a long way
    Yes, it's clean. There's no noise at night. Breakfast is delicious, especially steamed stuffed bun. Come next time
  • sunman778
    In order to facilitate the early morning flight reservation, it is very convenient and close to terminals 1 and 2. It is worth staying
  • mars9500
    not bad
  • CS Wong
  • ofaint
    It's very convenient to have a car to pick you up
  • daiyue89
    Can't comment, just a guest house
  • fenglan
    The room environment is OK. The biggest advantage is that it is close to the airport and the hotel has a drop off service
  • e00005513
    It can be said that it is within walking distance from T1 terminal of the airport, which is the largest capital of the hotel and international. The room decoration is old, the facilities are general, and the service has shuttle service
  • sclupture_4
    Express Hotel level
  • gui1238
    OK, the room arranged is too close to the runway. It's a little noisy.
  • plus574
    it 's not bad
  • corpse
    It takes only 5 minutes to walk to Terminal T3. The room is clean and the reservation is standard. The handsome man at the front desk will be upgraded to standard for free because he takes his family to check in.
  • silverTT
    Apart from the higher price, everything else was pretty good
  • beijingtrip12
    Very close to the airport, suitable for transfer
  • E00033152
    It's close to the airport. There's no hot water at the store at 9 p.m
  • e02189097
    It is very close to T1 terminal and convenient
  • bbfpp
    I ordered it for my colleagues. It should be OK
  • yupanyanyan
    It's really average. If it wasn't for being close to the airport, I would never check in!
  • oasis2018
    It's very close to the airport and the room is very big. But once in the room, there is a strong smell. Especially the wireless network is really intolerable, basically can't use, prefer to use traffic.
  • Lyn508
    Not bad. The space and facilities were very good. The customer chose to stay here next time.
  • jiatianyou
    Luxury 3 rooms, too small. The bed sheets in the room are clean, the carpet is too old, and the towel is too old. Three stars is OK. There is a pick-up service at the airport. It's great!
  • bottle80
    In addition to the advantage of being very close to the terminal, other aspects are very general, especially on the day of check-in, the temperature was extremely low, and there was no hot water
  • cctv123
    The conditions were average and the service attitude was poor. Last time I cancelled my order for no reason and didn't answer the phone when I got off the plane
  • doradol
    It's too close to the airport! Close enough to watch the plane take off; But the sound of the plane was a little overwhelming
  • alanto
    It's very close to the airport with convenient transportation, but there's nothing around. The facilities are good, and the new decoration is very luxurious
  • Lcyxjtu
    One is very convenient and warm
  • e00160035
    It's very close to the airport
  • e01457052
    The hotel is very old, the facilities are also old, that is, there is a free airport bus for those who miss the plane
  • avril Dandan
    The price is moderate, it's convenient to take the plane, the airport is near, the noise is more, the overall service is OK
  • allenan
    Yes, I live every time I change planes
  • e00145776
    The location of the hotel is very close to the destination. Although the facilities in the room are average, they are still quite satisfied. If the shower is better, they will be more satisfied.
  • meiei
    The hotel is very close to the airport, and the service is very good. The hotel provides free transfer between the terminal and the hotel, which is very convenient
  • e02500409
    The hotel is very close to the airport and the service is very good.
  • js_island
    not bad
  • feixiang012
    I made a reservation for the customer in order to catch an early flight the next day. The sound of the plane can be heard, but it does not affect the rest. The facilities are clean. It's pretty good considering the cost performance. Quite satisfied. Front desk service is also good.
  • david_20091989
    On a business trip, the plane was booked early in the morning. Is the environment OK
  • e02749570
    It's very close to terminal t1.2 of the airport, so it's convenient to fly
  • i.ivy
    Drunk by the Sichuan cooked pork in the hotel restaurant
  • Unimog
    The hotel is very close to T2 terminal, very convenient, and the bedding is very clean.
  • e05084376
    Good service.
  • Bessiewan
    It's very close to the terminal. We come here. There's a wake-up call in the morning. It's free to send the shuttle bus of terminal 3. It's so convenient. We always choose here.
  • e01274165
    The hotel is very good.. The food was also good. It's a little expensive
  • fgjenny
    The attitude of the reception driver is quite bad